Sarah Arvio

Sarah Arvio, a poet, translator and memoirist, has published three books of poetry, Visits from the Seventh, Sono: Cantos, and Cry Back My Sea, which Booklist called “an ode to love.”  A fourth, night thoughts: 70 dream poems and notes from an analysis, is a hybrid book of poetry, essay and memoir.  Her works also include an ample new edition, in her translation, of poetry and a play by Federico García Lorca, titled Poet in Spain.  She has published her poems widely, in such places as The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, Poetry, and The Paris Review. Her honors include the Rome Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and fellowships from the Bogliasco and Guggenheim Foundations and the National Endowment for the Arts.  She worked for the United Nations as a translator for many years, in New York and Switzerland.  A lifelong New Yorker, she studied at the Columbia University School of the Arts.