James Traub 

James Traub is a journalist, author and scholar. He worked as a staff writer for The New Yorker from 1993 to 1998, as a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine from 1998 to 2011, as a columnist and contributor for foreignpolicy.com from 2009 to 2022. Since 2010 he has been teaching classes on American foreign policy and on intellectual history at NYU Abu Dhabi and at NYU. He has written extensively about foreign affairs, national politics, urban affairs, and education. His most recent book, True Believer: Hubert Humphrey's Quest For A More Just America, was published earlier this year. His previous works include What Was Liberalism? The Past, Present and Promise of  A Noble Idea; John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit; and Judah Benjamin: Counselor To The Confederacy. He is currently writing a book about the role of the schools in preparing students to be citizens at a moment of grave democratic peril. He is a fellow of the Center on International Cooperation and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.